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Blog Feature


Healthcare Policy Shakeup

Last summer, several versions of a healthcare bill were attempted in Congress, but none were successful and the debate still carries on. Regardless of your political affiliation, healthcare is a hot button issue for every American and the policy outlook remains complex.

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Blog Feature

NJ Individual Mandate

How Self-Insured Health Plans Can Help You Avoid State Mandate Penalties New Jersey is the second state to re-impose an individual mandate following the Congressional repeal under the passage of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act. The individual mandate has been a key pillar of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) since its inception. The mandate requires individuals to maintain health benefits that meet the definition of minimum essential coverage (MEC) or pay a tax penalty of either 2.5 percent of adjusted household income or $695 per adult and $347.50 per child under 18 (capped at $2,085), whichever is greater.

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